Adrenal cocktails are trending on social media as a go-to solution for energy, stress resilience, and overall wellness—but do they actually work? In this episode of the Love Your Gut podcast, we break it all down. You’ll learn:
- What the adrenal glands do and why they’re critical for managing stress and energy.
- The science behind adrenal cocktails and why vitamin C, sodium, and potassium are the stars of the recipe.
- How to incorporate adrenal cocktails into your daily routine to combat fatigue, balance blood sugar, and support digestion.
- Why stress makes you crave sugar and salty foods—and how adrenal cocktails can help.
- The truth about high vs. low cortisol and how burnout can impact your health.
- Why personalized mineral testing with an HTMA test is the best long-term solution for addressing fatigue, hormonal imbalances, GI issues, and more.
Tune in now to learn how you can start supporting your adrenals and reclaim your energy with just one simple drink a day!
Links from the episode:
Don’t forget to download my FREE Mineral Guide which includes mineral mocktail & adrenal cocktail recipes tailored to specific health concerns like energy, sleep, and thyroid support!
- Looking to win an HTMA bundle for free? Rate and review the podcast episode and send your review to: happygut@drheatherfinley.co with the subject line RATING FOR LYG PODCAST and we will pick a winner on January 24!
- Ready to go beyond the basics? My HTMA bundle opens on February 10 and is perfect for anyone who wants personalized recommendations to meet their unique mineral needs.
Connect with Dr. Heather
SPEAKER: Dr. Heather Finley
Dr. Heather Finley: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Love Your Gut Podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Heather Finley, registered dietitian and gut health specialist. I understand the frustration of dealing with GI issues because I’ve been there and I spent over two decades searching for answers for my own gut issues of constipation, bloating, and stomach pain.
I’ve dedicated my life to understanding and solving my own gut issues. And now I’m here to guide you. On this podcast, I’ll help you identify the true root causes of your discomfort. So you can finally ditch your symptoms for good. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need so that you can love your gut and it will love you right back.
So if you’re ready to learn a lot, gain a deeper understanding of your gut and find lasting relief. You are in the right place. Welcome to the love your gut podcast…
Welcome back to the next episode of the love your gut podcast. So excited to be here [00:01:00] with you today, talking about adrenal cocktails. If you scroll tick talk, which may or may not be around at the time that I am releasing this episode, but if you scroll the internet, Instagram, TikTok, anything, you’ve likely seen people talking about adrenal cocktails, cortisol face, and how adrenal cocktails can be this like magical cure for your stress.
So I want to break it down today and answer the question, do adrenal cocktails actually So the thing I want you to think about is if you’ve ever hit that like 3pm slump and thought why am I so tired all the time or maybe you’ve caught yourself googling how to stop craving sugar while scrolling past, you know, all the new year’s information at this point, all the detoxes, the trends, et cetera.
It might seem like everyone is swearing by some kind of trend to boost energy, curb cravings, improve [00:02:00] digestion, and adrenal cocktails is probably something that you’ve seen. So are they really a magical fix? And more importantly, could they actually work for you? So that’s what we’re going to dive into today.
But first, By the end of this episode, I want you to understand really what your adrenal glands actually do and why they’re so important. You can imagine your adrenal glands. They’re kind of like your thermostat for stress. So when life gets busy or stressful or even exciting, stress doesn’t always have to be negative.
It could be really just a busy, exciting time in your life. Your adrenals adjust your body’s quote unquote settings to help you handle stress. They release hormones like cortisol, which you’ve probably heard of to give you energy, keep things running. But if you’re stressed all the time, that thermostat can get stuck in overdrive, making you feel cranky, tired, burnout.
I also want you by the end of this episode to understand what the components of adrenal cocktails actually are and why [00:03:00] they help. So things like vitamin C. Sodium, potassium, vitamin C is kind of like the oil for your stress thermostat, helping everything run smoothly. Sodium is kind of the coolant, so it keeps your body balanced and hydrated.
And then potassium is kind of its sodium’s teammate, just helping to keep your stress in check. So your body doesn’t get too hot or too cold. I also want to talk about some common lifestyle factors that could probably be putting extra stress on your adrenals. life has challenges. Maybe you’re in a season where you’re not sleeping.
Maybe you have a newborn like me. Maybe you are skipping meals. Maybe you are dealing with too much stress from work. We can’t overload our thermostats. It’s like, you know, I live in Texas and Dallas in the summer, our AC is running constantly. You can’t overload it. Eventually it kind of burns out.
So. We’re going to talk through some of that how adrenal cocktails may or may not help you. And then what testing might be helpful if you do [00:04:00] find yourself in kind of this like burnt out season what to do to just take kind of a sneak peek into your body’s dashboard to see what’s running low, what you can do about it, et cetera, et cetera.
So if any of this sounds familiar, you’re constantly tired. But you can’t seem to wind down at night. Maybe you feel like you’re surviving on caffeine or sugar or salty snacks, or that’s what you’re craving to get through the day. Maybe you’re frustrated with gut issues, hormone symptoms, not feeling your best.
There, these aren’t isolated problems. They’re often connected to deeper imbalances like mineral depletion that your adrenal glands are directly involved in. And that’s where adrenal cocktails and even better customized mineral support can really help you. So grab your favorite drink, whether it’s an adrenal cocktail or not.
And let’s. Let’s get into what makes these little glands so crucial for your health why this trend has gained so much attention and really how you can take practical [00:05:00] steps to support your body. So let’s start off with what actually are the adrenal glands. To be honest, the thing that I find most hilarious when I’m scrolling the internet As all of these people talking about adrenal cocktails and they, they don’t even know what the adrenals are.
They couldn’t explain to you what cortisol actually does. I think cortisol is like this demonized thing constantly on the internet. And here’s the thing, cortisol is actually a good thing. We’re not trying to get rid of cortisol. That would actually be terrible for your health. So we’re trying to keep cortisol in check.
Make sure your cortisol rhythm. is how it should be, but we’re not necessarily just trying to get rid of all cortisol. So that’s something to just keep in mind, but your adrenal glands are these two really small organs that sit on top of your kidneys. They’re super tiny, but they’re very powerful.
They’re part of your endocrine [00:06:00] system. Which is kind of like the body’s messaging network. It uses hormones to send signals. So there’s two kind of key functions of the adrenal glands. Number one is stress response. So when you are stressed, your adrenal glands release cortisol. This is a stress hormone.
Again. We need some of it. Otherwise, if you didn’t have cortisol, you wouldn’t be able to get out of bed in the morning. Cortisol is actually what wakes you up. And so the goal is you want your cortisol to be present in the morning to rise about two hours after you wake up and then to slowly decrease throughout the day because it has an inverse relationship with melatonin.
So sometimes what we find is People’s cortisol is just the opposite of that, which is why they can’t get out of bed in the morning and then they’re wired and tired at night. So cortisol helps your body react by increasing energy, keeping your blood sugar steady, helping you focus during stressful moments like a big meeting or intense workout.
And then secondly, the adrenal [00:07:00] glands help with electrolyte balance. Specifically aldosterone, it helps manage your sodium and potassium levels, which are key for keeping you hydrated, hydrated and maintaining normal blood pressure. This is actually just to kind of put some things together for you. If you’ve ever experienced low blood pressure, this can actually be related to your adrenal glands being completely burnout as well.
I think oftentimes we think of like really high stressful seasons you know, and having high blood pressure sometimes. But when your body gets so burnt out, it can actually go the opposite way as well. So back to kind of this stress thermostat analogy, you can think of your adrenal glands kind of like the thermostat in your house.
When life gets hot or stressful, they turn up the temperature. hormones like cortisol to help cool down and manage the heat. If your thermostat is running nonstop because of constant stress, it [00:08:00] can get overworked. And just like a thermostat, your adrenal glands need regular maintenance and care. So there’s a lot of things that you can do to support your adrenal glands.
And one of the things that you can do to support your adrenal glands is to support nutrients that your body uses during stress. So there are three nutrients that I want to talk about. Stress makes your adrenal glands work harder. And when they work harder, they use up more fuel in the form of vitamins and minerals.
So the first one is vitamin C. Your adrenal glands need very large amounts of vitamin C to actually make and produce cortisol. When you’re stressed, your body burns through vitamin C faster, which is why you might feel run down if you don’t replenish it, or why you might be getting sick more often when you’re in a stressful season.
The next two minerals are sodium and potassium. These minerals help balance [00:09:00] fluids in your body and are essential for proper nerve and muscle function. I’ve had other episodes where I’ve talked more specifically about these minerals in relation to digestion and other hormone things, but during stress, your body actually loses sodium and potassium more quickly, and which can leave you feeling dizzy, tired, Even craving salty snacks.
We hear this from our clients a lot where they’re like, why am I craving sugar or salty things? And a lot of that goes back to stress and stress management. So over time, chronic stress is going to deplete these nutrients and many others, but these three specifically leaving your adrenal glands and you just feeling fatigued and possibly less resilient.
Of course, we can’t just out supplement our stress with vitamin C, sodium and potassium. There’s lots of other things we can do to support stress, which I’m going to talk about. However, these are the raw materials that your body needs to [00:10:00] help regulate the temperature or the stress thermometer that’s going on and kind of cool down this stress.
So while your adrenal glands are incredibly resilient, they’re not designed to handle constant stress day in and day out. So when your stress thermostat is stuck on high, it can just have this domino effect throughout your body. Leading to a wide range of symptoms and imbalances. So chronic stress and taxed adrenals will impact your overall health in many ways.
And number one that we see in our practice a lot is gut issues. Chronic stress disrupts digestion as your body is prioritizing this food intake. Fight or flight response over breaking down food properly. So this can lead to bloating and gas because stress slows stomach emptying and digestion. This can lead to heartburn.
Cortisol can increase stomach acid production. It can also [00:11:00] increase gut dysbiosis. So stress will weaken the gut lining and it can allow harmful bacteria to overgrow leading to imbalances in the microbiome. There is actual research supporting this, showing that chronic stress will disrupt the bacteria in your gut.
So you can take All the probiotics you want, you can take all the antimicrobials you want, but if you don’t get your stress in check, it will impact your gut bacteria, which is so cool and crazy. Just how much the mind body connection truly does matter. The other way that chronic stress or taxed adrenals will impact your overall health is hormone imbalances, which might sound obvious.
Obviously we’re talking about cortisol here, but. The adrenal glands will play a big role in regulating hormone production. When they’re overworked, it’s going to throw off the balance of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone. High cortisol is telling your body, Hey, it is not a safe [00:12:00] environment to Potentially ovulate to potentially get pregnant to potentially have normal cycles because at the end of the day, if you are a menstruating female, the decision that your body is making every single month is, is it safe to have a baby?
Whether you, that’s your goal or not. But is it safe to have a menstrual cycle? And if you’re chronically stressed and your adrenals are taxed, that can be part of the reason maybe why you have an irregular cycle or why you lost your cycle. So something to definitely think about, but other symptoms besides just irregular and missing periods, PMS, estrogen dominant symptoms like heavy periods or even mood swings.
And then secondly, on under kind of this hormone umbrella is thyroid hormones. This was the case for me. And I’ve talked a lot about this on the podcast, but when I was going through probably the most stressful period in my life, after my dad passed away From a battle with colon cancer, my thyroid went [00:13:00] wacko.
I definitely had what the internet is now calling cortisol face, but it wasn’t actually cortisol face. It was a, well, it, I guess it was, but it was definitely thyroid related. Chronic stress slowed my thyroid function. It led to tons of fatigue, hair loss puffiness, et cetera. And so at that point.
I didn’t have what the internet called quote unquote cortisol phase. I actually had complete burnout. My cortisol was super low because of being chronically stressed for way too long. Another way that taxed adrenals can impact you is sleep disturbances. So when you have a healthy cortisol rhythm, Like I said earlier, it does help wake you up in the morning and wind down at night.
But if your cortisol is too high all the time, or at the wrong time, you might experience trouble falling asleep. High cortisol in the evening [00:14:00] is something really common that we see with our clients. They’re like, why am I sleeping? So freaking tired all day long. And then it comes time to go to bed and I feel like I can do everything.
I’m like superwoman. I wanna clean my house and get all the chores done and do all the things. This is a cortisol problem, which is often blood sugar and stress related. Maybe waking up at night blood sugar imbalances, which are really common with adrenal stress can cause middle of the night wake up.
Dr. Heather Finley: I am so excited to tell you about the awesome giveaway that we are doing. The HTMA hair mineral test is probably the most popular test that we run. And I know so many of you are interested in getting this done for yourself. So you have the opportunity to win the test and the one on one appointment that goes with the test to go over your results, your custom protocol, et cetera, for free.
When you leave a rating and review for this podcast. So all you have to do is leave your rating and review, [00:15:00] screenshot it and send it to happy gut at drheatherfinley. co. And in the subject line, just write podcast review. And we will be picking one lucky winner to win the HTMA bundle. So you can get this.
Completely for free just by leaving a podcast review. So, so excited to see who gets to do this amazing test and I’m excited in advance to read the ratings and reviews.
And then lastly, feeling wired but tired, where your body’s tired but your brain just feels like it’s racing, kind of like I described earlier. Next would be weakened immune function. So the interesting part about cortisol is that it’s naturally anti inflammatory, so this is why cortisol is not always a bad thing.
But when it’s elevated for too long, it will suppress your immune system, which makes you way more likely to catch colds or infections, experience slower healing from injuries or illnesses. Maybe you feel like you catch [00:16:00] everything that your kids come home with. This can be stress and cortisol related. Maybe you also feel like it takes you longer to get better where like.
Usually a cold will last you two days and now it’s taking you a week to recover. Cortisol can also just dampen your immune system where you’re developing chronic inflammation leading to longer term health issues or even autoimmune issues. You also may experience energy crashes and burn out which is something that we see a ton Overworked adrenals pump out high levels of cortisol which keep you going and over time they struggle to keep up Which can lead to afternoon energy crashes Relying on caffeine to just kind of push through Feeling tired even though you’re sick sleeping really well, maybe you sleep eight hours a night and you still have trouble getting out of bed in the morning or you’re still tired all day.
And then lastly, a overworked adrenal system can lead [00:17:00] to mood and mental health issues. Chronic stress will deplete serotonin and dope dopamine, the feel good chemicals in your brain, which can increase anxiety, irritability. Can increase brain fog or difficulty concentrating and then just lead to feelings of overwhelm and sadness.
So this all ties together. The body is interconnected and the adrenal glands are at the center of it all. When they are overworked it can set off a chain reaction that impacts your digestion, your hormones. Sleep, energy, immune function, mood, which is why it’s so important to take a comprehensive approach to your stress and your adrenal health and supporting your adrenals with tools like adrenal cocktails can be helpful, but really true recovery comes from addressing the root causes of the stress and then ultimately replenishing the nutrients that your body really desperately needs.
All right. So the part [00:18:00] that you have been waiting for, and if you’re hanging with me in this episode and you hear a dog or you hear a baby, or you hear the gardeners, you are not wrong. They are all hanging out with me somehow during this episode, the gardeners showed up, the dog is going crazy. And of course I have my sweet baby with me.
So thanks for hanging in there, but what is an adrenal cocktail and why is it so popular? The standard recipe is really simple. It’s nutrient packed designed to replenish those three key minerals and vitamins that your body needs. So the basic recipe is four ounces of orange juice, which is the vitamin C source, a quarter teaspoon of mineral rich salt, which is the sodium source.
And then a quarter teaspoon of cream of tartar, which is the source of potassium. You can optionally add in collagen for protein, coconut milk for healthy fats. When you do this, it tastes like a literal creamsicle. If you ever ate those popsicles growing up, it is so good. You just blend this all up, drink it cold over ice.
And it’s delicious. [00:19:00] The role of each, each ingredient is vitamin C two, which is essential for producing cortisol, the stress hormone. It also helps the adrenal glands recover from stress, and then also acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting your cells from damage caused by chronic stress. Sodium, which we ideally want a mineral rich salt, like Celtic salt, Redmond, real salt, et cetera.
It regulates hydration actually helps your cells absorb water and not constantly flush out water. So you’re not peeing all the time. Both can be thrown off by stress, your hydration and your blood pressure. And then. The potassium, the cream of tartar helps to maintain proper fluid balance. A lot of times when our clients say that they’re super puffy or they’re retaining fluid, they need a lot more potassium.
And when we run HTMA testing on clients, what we find is that potassium is very, very often low and most people need more [00:20:00] potassium also supports muscle function, energy production. And then, like I said, the collagen, the coconut milk, add protein to stabilize blood sugar, healthy fats as well, to keep you satisfied for longer.
So, the adrenal cocktail is popular for several reasons. Number one, it’s simple and quick. It takes less than a minute to make it. It doesn’t require any time. Fancy tools or strange ingredients or anything like that. It’s effective. A lot of our clients notice when they drink an adrenal cocktail, they feel a quick boost in energy.
They feel better hydrated. They have fewer sugar or salt cravings. Kind of give some of that like self care vibe. So taking the time to like. Make something that you know is going to nourish you is a small act of just showing up for yourself, which is really meaningful during a stressful time. And then it’s customizable.
You can adjust it. You can add more sodium. You can add more potassium. You can swap orange juice for coconut water. You can add flavors like lemon juice. I mean, [00:21:00] the options are honestly endless for homemade adrenal cocktails, which leads me to remind you that we have a free mineral, mineral guide. This is a multi page mineral guide that walks you through exactly what adrenal cocktails to make based off of your own specific concerns.
So I have recipes for like Energy for thyroid for better sleep, but that all have different ratios of minerals. And they’re all different. So some that are hot, some that are cold and just a fun way to kind of switch up the standard adrenal cocktail. So if you haven’t already downloaded that guide, go ahead and click the link in the show notes and download it.
It’s free. There’s lots of links and there’s even really easy powders and supplements that you can buy to. Kind of zhuzh up your adrenal cocktail, however you want. As well as just recipes with things that you might have in your pantry. So adrenal cocktails, they’re [00:22:00] easy. They’re enjoyable.
They can support you during stress, but keep in mind, they’re just one piece of the puzzle. And that’s what I want to talk about next is, you know, adrenal cocktails. They’re going to support stress resilience because they’re giving you that. Nutrient repletion for energy and focus. They’re supporting electrolyte balance.
They’re aiding in digestion because you need these minerals to make stomach acid. They can help with afternoon slumps. They can help with all these things. And so many of our clients notice a huge difference, but they aren’t going to replace making the lifestyle habits. and the changes that you need to make to support just stress reduction overall.
So you might notice that when you’re feeling drained mid afternoon or you’re having sugar salt cravings, or you’re having just kind of that wired or tired feeling that adrenal [00:23:00] cocktails will help you. You also might notice that adrenal cocktails might make it or might decrease your sugar or salt cravings because when you’re stressed, your body burns through glucose faster because cortisol increases your need for quicker energy.
This is why you’ll find yourself reaching for sugary snacks or carbs when you’re overwhelmed. That’s your body doing exactly what it was designed to do. So, similarly, stress can lead to sodium loss through the urine, which crav Which increases the cravings for salty foods. Now let’s address just this cortisol based trend.
I mentioned it earlier. So I want to just clear up some misconceptions floating around social media. This is the idea that high cortisol is the root of all your problems. And sure, chronically elevated cortisol can lead to things like weight gain, especially around the midsection. Sleep disturbances, anxiety, that like puffy face [00:24:00] that a lot of people are posting about.
But what most people don’t realize is that low cortisol can be just as problematic. And if not worse, because after prolonged periods of stress, your adrenal glands can be burnout producing too little cortisol. So this shows up as really severe fatigue, feeling super unmotivated or just kind of like emotionally flat.
Difficulty recovering from illness. What a lot of people would describe is just like, I feel super burnout or kind of this narrative of like, I used to be the most productive, energetic person that I know, and now I’m like struggling to make it through the day. I’ve definitely been in that situation before.
And it’s. It’s horrible. You are wondering like, what the heck is wrong with me? I used to be able to accomplish, you know, more before 8am than anybody else. And now I can barely get out of bed. So adrenal cocktails can be helpful in this situation. But the question becomes like, how on earth did we get here?[00:25:00]
You know, how on earth did we get to the point where now it’s not even a high cortisol problem. It is a complete low burnout state. I had a client. And I’ve had many clients who was constantly tired by 3pm. She was always craving salty foods, feeling like she just needed coffee constantly. She was drinking like four or five cups of coffee a day.
She was a mom of, I think, three kids. She was just wondering, like, how on earth did I get here? She, did not feel like herself at all. She felt just emotionally flat. And when we ran a Dutch panel on her to look at her cortisol levels, she was completely flat lined. So she didn’t have that spike of cortisol in the morning that we want.
And then that dip throughout the day for sleep, she just had a flat line, which is a very distinct sign of burnout. So as we kind of looked into what was [00:26:00] going on, You know, she was managing a lot. She had a lot of what I call glass balls. Like these are the balls in your life that you can’t drop your family possibly your career.
And then, you know, oftentimes in our lives we have rubber balls. Those are the ones like you can drop for your period of time, but they’ll bounce back up. She had a lot of, Glass ball, she had aging parents, et cetera. So a lot of things she was juggling. And on top of that, she was not eating enough.
She was running an insane amount of miles every day. And her body just couldn’t keep up anymore. And so we had to make some serious adjustments because there were a lot of glass balls that she could not drop at that time. So we had to. Number one, make sure she was getting enough food trying to get as much sleep as she could promoting a restful sleep by getting rid of blue lights, et cetera, at night.
And actually decreasing her exercise load for that period. We added in [00:27:00] adrenal cocktails like one or two a day. She felt a noticeable increase in her energy. She didn’t need that, you know, third or fourth coffee anymore. Her sugar cravings. decreased. Then we eventually did more customized mineral support based on her testing.
But a lot of it started with just those lifestyle changes that she had to make as she evaluated, okay, what’s going on in this season of my life and what can I actually drop for now that’s not going to shatter. So if you are thinking of using an adrenal cocktail, here’s how you can do it effectively.
Number one, start small and adjust as needed. So start with one a day, ideally during a time when you often feel low on energy. If you’re dealing with significant stress or fatigue, you can increase this to two per day, like mid morning, mid afternoon or morning and you know, with lunch and just listen to your body.
If you feel jittery, bloated, whatever it might be, you might need to tweak the recipe or just start with a smaller amount. Sometimes when [00:28:00] you really start pushing minerals too quick, you can feel worse before you feel better, but you don’t have to do that if you go slow. Ideally pair it with a balanced meal to keep your blood sugar stable.
So while adrenal cocktails are really key in nutrients, they don’t replace a full meal and pair them with meals that include protein, fats, fiber to stabilize your blood sugar. Have it with a snack, whatever, and then experiment, keep it interesting, swap out the different juices for vitamin C sources, use coconut water add cinnamon, make it hot, make it cold, whatever you want.
Download the mineral guide just from some ideas. And timing is everything. So typically they work mid morning, mid afternoon, when you feel stressed or fatigued it wouldn’t necessarily be something that you would want to drink like right before bed, unless it was more of kind of like a sleepy girl mocktail, which I have recipes for that in the guide that are like higher in magnesium and things that are going to help your body.
[00:29:00] wind down, but just make it part of your routine. So if you tend to forget, set a reminder pair it with your meals so that you just remember to have it, you know, with lunch or whatever it might be. And then just keep in mind that this is a great first step. So adrenal cocktails are, you know, very standard kind of one size fits all with the sodium, the potassium, the vitamin C, but they’re not necessarily going to completely fix your, mineral deficiencies.
And what works wonders for one person might not fully address another’s unique imbalances. So for example, someone with low magnesium levels might feel better with an adrenal cocktail, but still experience fatigue or muscle cramps or poor sleep. sleep because magnesium is needed in their adrenal cocktail.
Conversely, someone who’s sodium sensitive in a really high kind of stress pattern sometimes sodium can actually jump up. They might need to adjust the amount of salt to avoid feeling bloated. So personalization is key. We’ve worked with so many [00:30:00] clients that kind of fit the narrative of like Afternoon fatigue, constant sugar cravings.
They’re like, I’m drinking adrenal cocktails. They’re kind of helping, but I still don’t feel good. And then we run HTMA testing, which is hair tissue mineral analysis testing. And we see all the other minerals at play. So we see low magnesium or potassium or a high calcium to phosphorus ratio, which can further just impact energy and how somebody is feeling.
So with information from an HTM, a, we can create, create a tailored plan that, you know, Is going to be a bit more comprehensive than just a standard adrenal cocktail recipe. So the testing can be a super powerful tool that just helps us get to the root of what’s going on. Many of, you know, we open the HTMA bundle which is the HTMA test and then the consult to go over your results four times a year.
It includes, like I said, the test and then the [00:31:00] recommendations and kind of protocols, et cetera. This is perfect for you if you are trying to tackle your fatigue, your stress, your hormone imbalances, your gut issues, nothing’s working because minerals are really foundational to every system in the body and hopefully as you’ve understood from this episode, stress is really at the root of it all.
Although, you know, a lot of times we think of our stress as like, I need to just meditate more or I need to do something that’s going to be super time consuming. Those things can help, but minerals can make your body more resilient to stress as well while you’re working on implementing some of the lifestyle pieces.
And you may have also tried a lot of different things for your gut issues or your hormone issues, but if your body doesn’t have the raw materials to make what it needs, then you kind of get stuck in this vicious cycle of not healing. So. The htma bundle is opening on February 10th. Spots are limited [00:32:00] obviously because this is a one on one thing.
We always sell out same day, set your alarms. If you’ve downloaded the mineral guide, you are on the wait list. So you would get the email letting you know when the spots are open. But just to kind of wrap this up, adrenal cocktails are simple.
They’re effective. They can help support stress resilience. They’re effective when they’re also paired with healthy lifestyle and stress management. Testing your minerals is key. That’s what we would prefer for more like longer term support but adrenal cocktails can be a great place to start and just giving your adrenal glands some nourishment and some self care love.
So I hope that this episode was helpful. Share it with a friend. If you feel compelled, I would love a rating and review so that more people can find this podcast and I will catch you next time on the next episode of the love your podcast. Thanks for tuning in. .
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