The gut Together program

Banish your bloating and find relief from chronic constipation

The gutTogether program takes the guesswork out of digestive health and delivers life-changing results 







If you don’t know why you are bloated and constipated in the first place, it’s hard to find relief from your symptoms.

  • Have you been told “nothing’s wrong” by your doctor?
  • Do you feel bloated after eating anything?
  • Do you wonder when you will have a bowel movement next?
  • Do you dread date night because of your symptoms? 
  • Are you taking a million supplements?
  • Are you stressed about what to eat for your digestion? 

We can identify why. You can find relief

dr heather finley gut health discomfort


Hi, I’m Dr. Heather, 

There’s nothing worse than struggling with gut symptoms. Whether it’s bloating, constipation, reflux or gas it can really impact your quality of life. But all hope is not lost.  If you have tried every possible elimination diet and continue to feel stuck with symptoms, I get it! 


I spent years trying to fix my own digestive symptoms with bandaid solutions that didn’t get me anywhere. It was really terrible. Once I was able to understand the actual causes of my symptoms, I started to find real relief. I went from restricting and eliminating tons of foods to loving food again. 

  • I was going on trips and actually enjoying them without symptoms
  • I was enjoying food that was cooked outside of my house
  • I had more energy and was able to enjoy hobbies again
  • I had freedom in my life to be spontaneous and not feel chained to my house

Now, I’ve helped thousands of women find relief from their digestive symptoms. And I can do it for you too! 


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Meet with Dr. Heather on a 20-minute video call. Discuss your specific struggles around gut health. 


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Get individualized testing, feedback, protocols and personalized support on your gut health journey. Dr. Heather and her team will guide you every step of the way

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Watch your symptoms fade away as you learn to love life and food again

The program is certainly an investment, albeit, completely worth it! Since completing this program, I don’t restrict any foods at all (HI again, onion, chickpeas, broccoli and avocado!!) I feel more control of my body and symptoms, and feel I have a full tool kit at my disposal to continue to succeed.

Alex K

I can’t believe the relief I now have. I am free from being in a constant state of food fear. I no longer worry about the foods I’m eating because I know what my body will or will not tolerate. We actually figured things out. I’m so so grateful for the support and accountability the program provided. This program has changed my relationship with food, my overall health, and simply put my life!

Elizabeth G

I have found the gutTogether program to be life-changing for me. I had been on high doses of acid reflux medications for years and my stomach and esophagus were still consistently inflamed on endoscopies.  And I was chronically constipated too.

I am now completely off the PPI, my symptoms have improved, I am eating a wide variety of foods, and I have never felt better. I would highly recommend this program. Thank you!

Melynne R

Addressing your digestive symptoms is no longer an option. It’s a necessity.

Conventional medicine is only treating your symptoms. It’s not preventing them from coming back. 

 In a world where doctors only have 15 minutes per patient, per year, no wonder it’s impossible to find adequate support for your digestive symptoms. 

 When you have adequate support and comprehensive care for your digestive symptoms, relief follows. 

dr heather finley gut health discomfort

The real problem we face when trying to address digestive symptoms


This list of recipes covers the bases to transform your gut health. Inside this healthy gut recipe book you’ll find:


We are not looking to prevent symptoms from coming back, we are just looking to bandaid them when they show up


When symptoms do show up it’s worse than it was the time before


So instead of discovering what is causing the symptoms from coming back, we continue to play whack-a-mole


Rather than understanding and implementing strategies for prevention


If you want to find relief from your digestive symptoms you need to actually address the root causes.


Get off of the never ending elimination diet’s and juice cleanses and start making sustainable changes

If you’re ready to get started after reading the FAQ’s below and don’t need to book a discovery call you can enroll directly into the program and get started TODAY using this link below 


What if I have tried everything?

I personally understand how challenging it is to feel like you have tried everything. Most of the women who come to the gutTogether program do so because they are in the same boat. The accountability, consistency, and high-touch program is what makes our clients successful. 

Will I be put on an elimination diet?

Most of the time people feel like they have “failed” on their gut health journey because they were put on an elimination diet that was way too strict. The last thing we want to do is give you a list of “good” and “bad” foods. Our nutrition approach is based on abundance. The more we can ADD in to your diet, the healthier your gut is, and the happier your life is! 

Do you see individuals with gut issues other than constipation?

Absolutely! We see women who struggle with constipation in addition to acid reflux, bloating, gas, hormonal symptoms, sleep disturbances, anxiety and more! 

Do I need to go to a doctor before enrolling?

Nope! You can get started now. 

What testing do you provide?

The cost of the program includes the cost of the GI Map stool test. The GI Map stool test is a comprehensive stool analysis that helps us determine the actual causes of your symptoms. 

Do you recommend supplements?

Yes, and everything is custom to you and your symptoms (and your GI Map results). No cookie cutter plans here!  

Do you give meal plans?

Even better than a meal plan, we empower our clients to understand what they need to eat for gut health by giving custom feedback on your food and symptom logs weekly. Again, no cookie cutter plans here. Everything is custom to you! 

What is included in the program?
  • Monthly 1:1 calls to discuss your testing, protocols, symptoms and customized plan (6 total)
  • Unlimited in-between chat with the gutTogether team (M-F)
  • A GI Map stool test 
  • Custom, weekly food and symptom log reviews
  • Access to weekly calls with Dr. Heather for accountablity, mindset work and support
  • Access to 20+ educational modules so that you can deepend your knowledge of gut health and find lasting relief 

Do you want simple ways to improve your bloat at home?

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Why are you bloated?